From the roots up; A little about me.


Never having a clear image or direction has truly become in its self a direction in which I live.

A being of freedom is what some see in me however, others share the opinion that i am misguided and losing ground on what my future could/may have been. I am not in the slightest way oblivious or naive to the fact that organization and planning are great keys to success I have just come to terms with, and enjoy a lifestyle that involves more trial and error as well as following your dreams and feelings. When asked my plans for my future I am the one who often replies ” I’m gonna make ends meet” or ” I’m just gonna keep on keep-in on” I don’t care to be anything I am not I just want to love the life I live.

I don’t fit into the cookie cutter mold. I beat to my own drum and will continue to write my story everyday as it unfolds.

In the real world I am a chef. I enjoy every facet of what I do. My creativity is challenged everyday and i continue to hone my people skills through frightening and always hilarious customer service issues.(many of which I will share)

I am an advocate of, and very passionate about farm to table fare and sustenance living. My near future plans include buying a farm where I will be able to produce and sell nutritious veggies and meats as well as educate and inspire local restaurants and schools to cook with these products instead of many of the alternatives used today.

I write often and will always. Enjoy following the journey. I hope to give you some ideas, recipes, laughs and photographs as you get a glimpse of my wide angle life.

One of my favorites and a southerners pride. The low country boil! This picture was taken at about 11:30pm after a very long day of kayak fishing with friends while camping at St. Andrews St. Park.

Shrimp and sausage goodness!!

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