To the Weekend Warriors.. Finally Back Home.



I finally put this long week behind me! By the end of it of course I am sitting here exasperated and begging for relief. After venting to Candace about my woes we both came to the conclusion we needed a weekend away in the hills. We just yearned for some fresh cool air, close friends and big fish to really help clear our minds. So without further hesitation we headed out Friday afternoon bound for Dahlonega, Georgia.

I am one of the fortunate ones to be raised in this small town in North, Georgia. It is an incredible outlet for music, writing, art and culture of all sorts. Most of my close friends still live there so I try to get back as often as I can. But of course that never seems often enough.

We arrived at the Chestatee Garden Tavern to find my best friend Matthew playing an all original acoustic guitar set, and as usual I had my guitar handy and tuned. We were able to entertain the great folks that came out until the wee hours of the morning. All the while we got to enjoy the crisp mountain air while consuming copious amounts of our favorite adult beverages with our close friends.

As I woke up Saturday morning, I’m still not sure at what point I quit dreaming and the day began but none the less, the next thing I knew, I’m standing in a cold river catching monster rainbow trout. We spent the day fishing and eating campfire cuisine. I love getting a chance to go back up North and enjoy spending time with great friends. The photo up above is the big fish I was able to land for the day. It gave me a tremendous fight with several of my favorite gut wrenching,”oh I’m going to lose it!” moments.

The photo below is of my good friend Andrew and his enormous rainbow.

20130211-191249.jpgSunday we actually timed our drive through the state nicely so we were not caught up by traffic or speeding to tickets.

I encourage you to get out there on the weekends. See the country and enjoy the fruits of the area around you. The weekend warrior lives on, I will continue to float my kayak and I hope you do similar and or the same.


Will post in a day or so with some Gulf Coast fishing reports and pictures.